- 6 Things that Shaitan steals from you





1- Your connection to Allah Almighty

(His satanic companion will say : "Our Lord! I did not make him transgress, but he (himself) was far astray.“) (50:27)

(Like Satan, who said to man, 'Disbelieve'; then, when he disbelieved, he said, I have nothing to do with you. Surely I fear God, the Lord of all Being.) (59:17)

Satan does not aim to cut your relation with your lord in a direct way unless the person is far astray. Satan works on you from all directions to cut off your connection to Allah. The only direction that is not accessible for Satan to come to you through it, is from above you, for that is the area of connection with God Almighty.


 2- Your Focus

(But Satan caused him to forget) (12:42)

(And none made me forget it except Satan) (18:63)

(Satan has dominated them and has made them forget the remembrance of Allah) (58:19)

(But Satan's wants is to lead them astray far away) (4:60)

- Satan occupies your hearing and eyes and distracts you to steal your focus and make you forget things. and the solution is to focus on yourself, your work, your home, your money, and your relationships. Ask yourself am I getting closer to  Allah or moving away? Am I getting better in my business or worse? What concerns me these days?

- To remember whatever you have forgotten because of Satan, you have to remember your Lord  

(And remember your Lord when you forget) (18:24)


3- Your Activity

(and share with them in wealth and children) (17:64)

- Satan seeks to ruin or take away from you any expression of activity (which means your money, your house, your children, your business ...)

- While during the times of any sort of idleness (i.e. sleep, illness, or negligence ...) he focuses in messing up with your psyche and reducing your confidence in God.


4- Being Unlimited

(Satan promises you poverty) (2:268)

  (Then I shall come upon them from before them and from behind them and on their right and on their left) (7:17)

- The goal of Satan is to limit the positive possibilities around you, and for you to lose all your resources, sources of aid & financial support. Because when you are in a state of distress and need, it is much easier for Satan to influence you.



5- Your Dignity

((Allah) said: "Then, get out from here, for verily, you are Rajim (an outcast) * And indeed, upon you is the curse until the Day of Recompense.) (15:34-35)

 (He said, "Do You see this one whom You have honored more than me? if You give me respite (keep me alive) to the Day of Resurrection, I will surely seize and mislead his offspring except for a few.“) (17:62)

- Iblis is the most humiliated creature in the universe, for he has been permanently expelled out of Heaven & out of the mercy of Allah. Therefore he aims to humiliate and disgrace man so he loses the high status which has been bestowed upon him by Allah.



 6- Your Ego

- The ego is not a negative thing and everyone has it in a varying degrees. What you do not want is for Satan to inflate your ego so he can take it away from you eventually. So, you have to keep your ego in a balanced level and should direct it to God.

(Indeed, my prayer, my sacrifice, my living and my dying are for Allah , the Lord of all Being.) (6:162) - For example say to yourself: with God's mercy, I have such-and-such or have done such & such..

 - If your ego becomes smaller, then it will be much easier for others to exploit you or convinces you to join some party, sect, or movement. The solution is to have a balanced ego and to understand that positive ego is self- sufficiency and freedom from dependency and a space in which you can worship God Almighty.



